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Monday, April 23, 2007

Programs try to curb Pit Bull numbers

Sun staff writer
September 24. 2006 6:01AM

Ray Sim calls pit bulls "the national dog of Alachua County" for good reason - lots and lots of them live here.

But as director of Alachua County Animal Services, Sim knows that yes, they are popular, but they are also difficult to find homes for. They take up kennel space at the shelter and drive up costs.

Veterinarian Debbie Cottrell of West End Animal Hospital in Jonesville realized the same thing and came up with an idea to cut the pit bull population - Operation Pitnip.

She began offering free spaying and neutering to any pit bull or pit mix - a service that typically costs about $150 at her clinic. Her efforts have been rewarded with $20,000 in grants to keep the program going.

"Now we can start pushing more and try to reach these people who don't understand or are unaware that they are contributing to the problem," Cottrell said. "At least two or three times a day people come in with pit bulls and when I start to talk about spaying or neutering, they say, 'Oh no, we're going to breed her because she's special and all my friends want a puppy.' They are completely unaware that that is the problem. Nationwide, close to 40 percent of all dogs euthanized at shelters are pit bulls."

No More Homeless Pets of Alachua County - a coalition of veterinarians and animal advocates - donated $5,000 to Cottrell to pay for surgeries for 100 dogs living in low-income families. No More Homeless Pets several years ago landed a multiyear grant from the nonprofit Maddie's Fund to try to end euthanasia of healthy cats and dogs at the county shelter.

Meanwhile, another $15,000 was awarded to Cottrell from Florida Animal Friend - the organization that administers money raised through the sale of spay/neuter license plates.

University of Florida veterinary professor Julie Levy, president of the coalition and board member of Florida Animal Friend, said the grants are well-deserved and should help reduce the population of unwanted pit bulls.

"(Cottrell) was very farsighted and saw that we need to nip the problem at its source, which is reproduction, rather than trying to deal with this huge number of animals after the fact," Levy said. "They are trying to save adoptable animals at the (county) shelter and there are so many pit bulls. Even though they are technically adoptable, nobody wants to adopt them. It's a burden on the shelter, it's a burden on the community, it's a burden on the Maddie's project to try to find homes for all of these dogs that nobody wants."

Pit bulls are either reviled or adored. They are a breed so associated with dog fighting and maulings that many communities nationwide ban them. Florida now prohibits such breed-specific laws, but an ordinance that was already in place in Miami-Dade County was grandfathered in.

Yet others say that with proper training pit bulls are loyal, family-friendly pets with a clownish, loving personality.

Sim said some county shelters in Florida will not put pit bulls up for adoption, euthanizing them instead. Alachua County evaluates pit bulls to determine if they can make a good pet in the right hands and tries to find homes for them.

"They are hard to adopt and I think a lot of that is the stereotype of a pit bull. They are a powerful dog. Are they always a bad dog? Definitely not," Sim said.

Jerri Sullivan said her six pit bulls are wonderful dogs. She had all six sterilized by Operation Pitnip, giving the program a $250 donation for its efforts.

Sullivan said she found a pit bull in her yard when she moved into a rural High Springs home. Despite her prevention efforts, it bred with another dog. Eventually one of the puppies had a litter. Sullivan was able to give most of the puppies away, but got some of them back because the owners couldn't take proper care of them.

Operation Pitnip was a godsend for her."It was great to get it done, and I donated because there might be another family that can't afford it, as well. It was a whole lot cheaper than the regular veterinarian," Sullivan said. "It would be taking me another year to get all of the dogs done if Dr. Cottrell didn't have this. It's very expensive."

Click here for Story.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Morrison County approves permit for 500 breeding-dog kennel

Associated Press
Last update: April 06, 2007 – 5:21 AM

LITTLE FALLS, Minn. — Morrison County commissioners have approved a permit that allows Gary McDuffee to open a dog-breeding operation with up to 500 adult breeding dogs.

Commissioners did attach 13 conditions to the permit, which cuts 100 dogs from the number McDuffee had been allowed under an earlier permit.

The permit also requires McDuffee to set aside one-sixth of his indoor space as an exercise area for the dogs, says he must not debark the dogs or use shock collars and must plant trees along part of his property to cut down on noise.

The county added conditions to the permit after the Minnesota Court of Appeals ordered the board to revisit the issue following public complaints.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Animal Cruelty by Local Police

I found this story off Craigslist. It's disheartening, however, if it had been a Pitbull, the owners would have been singing a different story. But the outcome would have been NO different.


Our Labrador Tex, was put down Yesterday April 4th 2007. He was picked up nearly 3 weeks ago for jumping our fence for the 2nd time. He protected our property by growling at the officer trying to catch him but he never lunged at or bit anyone.. In our eyes he was only doing his job.

Our neighbor has always tried to get us in trouble at one time or another... They have made fraudulent claims time and time again about the amount of dog poop in the backyard. Animal control has come out multiple times & every time has stated that our backyard was fine and that our neighbor had nothing better to do then complain and that he had complained about everyone that had lived in our home prior.

Our neighbor once worked as a prison guard & we were told a while back that he was friends of the local judge and chief of police.

2 weeks before our dog jumped the fence our neighbor threatened us that the next time he did he would end up dead.. Now 5 weeks later our dog is dead.

Strangely enough.. Our Labrador was a great dog, gentle as can be, wonderfuly protective of his home. Great with other dogs, and awesome with our 3 and 1 year old sons. He did however have a trouble with escaping the yard. We exhausted ever possible option to include putting up a larger fence to keep him in. When he got picked up the last time we resolved to give him away to a ranch in Austin that has 60 acers. We knew he would be happy there.. We never got the chance...

Yesterday we went to court... We thought just to pay a fine and to get our dog back.. we thought that the worst possible outcome was that we would have to give him away. The judge told the prosecution that our dog couldn't be put down because he wasn't vicious but that he would order that we surrender Tex to animal control and that Tex couldn't be adopted within our town.

Animal Control actually testified against us (so did our neighbor)... They completely changed the story about our yard and about our dog.. The told us one thing and told the judge another!

We went shortly thereafter to bring Tex some treats and toys and to let the Animal control officers know that someone from Austin would be coming to get him soon. However when we got there we were told he had been put down! (for growling at the officer who tried to catch him while he was in our yard, HE NEVER BIT ANYONE NOR DID HE TRY). The judge specifically said that Tex wasn't supposed to be put down.

So here we are.. We are planing to sue the city (Copperas Cove, about 1 hour North of Austin)over this. Tex was like a child to us. We had him since he was a puppy. We loved him dearly and they killed him without warrant!

So far we have only made an appointment with one specific lawyer.. his rate is $250 an hour.. You may have heard of him.. Dan Corbin, Killeen.

If you know of a cheaper lawyer or someone who might help us out for free or at a % cost then we would really appreciate it. Also if you know of any animal rights groups that can help us out that would be awesome too.. We don't like asking for money so we wont.. We don't even care if we get anything back from the lawsuit.. Its all about principal.. They killed the greatest dog ever and the need to pay! If all you can help with is prayer.. then please PRAY...

THANKS Laura A. Essary

Since yesterday we cave wrote our local news channels, news papers and P.E.T.A. Any other advice/help is greatly appreciated.

Monday, April 02, 2007

March of Dimes - Walk America

I've volunteered to Walk with my Fellow co-workers in support of Walk America.

America Walks to Save Babies

"Premature birth is the #1 cause of newborn death. It has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S., endangering the lives of more than half a million babies. And it's growing at an alarming rate. That's why we need you to participate in WalkAmerica."

I've set my personal goal at $500. I'll be walking in support of Company's overall goal of $7,500. We walk here in Manassas on the morning of April 22, 2007 beginning at 9AM. So far, we have 14 members to our team all doing their part in support of this wonderful attempt at saving little lives!

If you are interested in supporting my Company's team let me know and I'll provide you with the link to donate.

PREMATURE BIRTH: THE SILENT CIRIS:Premature birth can happen to any pregnant woman, and no one knows why. The March of Dimes is in the midst of a multi-year, multimillion-dollar campaign to address this growing problem. With your support, the March of Dimes can continue to fund research and programs to prevent premature birth and other threats to babies' health.

April Fools was Sunday

And from what I gathered, played a GREAT practical joke on those harassing the site owner and it's members. At least those members who are open about participating in the Puppy Wars and using to flag postings that blatantly violate the TOU of Craigslist.

Wish I had a few screen shots of it to share. Oh well. Good, I enjoy using your site!

It would seem the only intelligent one of the bunch below would be Cows.

pdx IS Down for the count BIG TKO § <> 04/01 17:49
another one bites the dust - yeah! <> 04/01 17:54

another one bites the dust - yeah! < The-Missionary > 04/01 17:54:47
Pursuant to USC 17 Sections 101 et seq, This site has been temporarily suspended.

. . . Woot Woot Woot!!! § <> 04/01 17:58
. . . . Did anyone have doubts? LMFAO § <> 04/01 18:01
. . . . . A lot of recent changes <> 04/01 18:03 -10+5

A lot of recent changes < The-Missionary > 04/01 18:03:16

Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2007 10:24:32 -0700

Well guys, you've probably noticed I've not been around here as much. So I hope this is not too much of a surprise...

I might as well be upfront about it. I'm officially resigning from flagging. I know it's a surprise, but all the civil conversations I've had with responsible breeders have made me realize that at the end of the day, maybe part of my passion for the issue, might be that I too, in a sense, want MY OWN children to experience the miracle of birth.

Also I know it sounds cliche, but I have seen that my latest rescue really REALLY wants to have puppies (probably just one litter and then I'll have her fixed). That's a first, now I understand what people are talking about!!

Of course this is about what's best for the dog, and not the money (although I expect it to be somewhat substantial, which I do feel I deserve as my rescue baby seems quite healthy and has a WONDERFUL temperament).

It is the principle -- Maybe the solution isn't about laws and regulations, but instead simply about education, respect, and faith?

So, I would feel like a bit of a hypocrite if I kept flagging other people's sales. I hope you won't judge me too harshly. And of course, out of respect for you guys, my e-friends for the last couple years, when and if I do breed my rescue bitch, I will NOT use CL to sell my puppies. :)

. ? § <> 04/01 18:13
. . ? <> 04/01 20:27
. . . yeah, and there never was <> 04/01 18:19

yeah, and there never was < naked-fat-in-boots > 04/01 18:19:21

any "investigation". . . Why did they shit it down? <> 04/01 18:42

Why did they shit it down? < mom-2-4 > 04/01 18:42:53

It violated another website's copywrite? . . . . ^^^ shit it down § <> 04/01 18:43
. . . . . . ^^^ SHUT it down <> 04/01 18:44

^^^ SHUT it down < mom-2-4 > 04/01 18:44:16

Gawd I don't know how I did that twice!!!

. . . 2 funny! suggest you ask the FEDS! § <> 04/01 18:49
. . . . . I love it................. <> 04/01 18:51

I love it................. < floppys_bestfriend > 04/01 18:51:46

shit it down!!

. . Was that not <> 04/01 18:20

Was that not < mom-2-4 > 04/01 18:20:59

I thought there was an s on the end

. . . Oh, I see that has a legal message up now. <> 04/01 18:25

Oh, I see that has a legal message up now. < mom-2-4 > 04/01 18:25:04

What does it mean? So there was there really an investigation?
. . . USC 17 Section 101 is copyright law. I just <> 04/01 18:26

USC 17 Section 101 is copyright law.

I just < WhenCowsAttack > 04/01 18:26:10

Googled it

. . duh! § <> 04/01 18:30
. . . . Yes! § <> 04/01 18:32
. . . . . . next on the hit parade: <> 04/01 18:32

next on the hit parade: < dodos > 04/01 18:32:31

Flaggers Google Groups!!!

. . Soon, could it be? § <> 04/01 18:55
. . . Hmmmm something's amiss........... § <> 04/01 18:45
. . . . what do you mean "something's amiss'? § <> 04/01 18:47
. . . . . Ah maybe it's just me. It's just that I've <> 04/01 18:51

Ah maybe it's just me. It's just that I've < WhenCowsAttack > 04/01 18:51:55

never seen them actually put up a message on a website that's been shut down, it seems odd. Usually it just says the page is N/A. Hopefully they haven't just relocated or something.

Got gullibility? <> 04/01 19:18 -5+28

On a lighter note

Friday evening the new Pit Bull Play Group I started using Google Groups had it's first meeting. Unfortunately, only 2 of us showed up, but it was good. Angus displayed some unsavory intentions and it gave me a good foundation once we begin working with the trainers out in Strausburg, VA.

Saturday for me was spent with my sr. gal-pal Kacie and doing the 'Inspection' and 'DMV' thing. Aw gawd, that sucked majorly!! But Kacie was a hit at the Honda dealership! I should have washed the E yesterday, it was sooo nice out.

Sunday we got up and did the trash run and then I went riding again. I was hoping to get pictures this time, but once I got my chaps on and was saddled up and ready, I realized I didn't have a fresh roll of film with me. Darn!! :(

Sunday evening was spent with family and good friends. I groomed Lovely while Joe and Chris worked on a Truck and then a Trackor. Race was on so we were torn between outside and the race. LOL Once done there, we headed back over to Joe's family's place for dinner and good conversation. I love his SIL, she's awesome!

We managed to get through the day without any rain, it was nice! But the storm that hit us last night about 1:30 was furious to say the least. The lightening lit up the house and scared the crap out of poor Angus. The Thunder was just as henou and shook the house and windows and that scared Angus even more. Thankfully, it only lasted about an hour. So I sat up with Angus cuddling him and coo'ing at him to calm him down.

Killed in the Line of Duty

Someone I consider a close friend, found out over the weekend their nephew was killed on his THIRD trip over to Iraq! The young man hailed from Amelia County, Virginia.

I have to ask myself, was it truly necessary to send him back a 3rd time?! What purpose does his death serve? What purpose does ANY of their deaths serve?

There was a time I would have stood by my President, there was a time that my Patriotic heart would have demanded to fall beside my brethern. But as the years drag on and there is no relief in site, WHY ARE WE STILL THERE? The true villian has illuded us for so long and STILL killing Americans at a whim.

I have to sit and watch as a very close personal friend will be packing up and leaving this June/July on his THIRD trip to Iraq. Ask anyone, and they'll tell you I am one of the most patriotic people they know! But I'm not sure where to stand on this any longer.

Other than stand behind our Men and Woman in the Armed Forces and support them!! Remember, THANK A VETERAN, they are the reason we live the way WE CHOOSE TO! They are the reason this is the COUNTRY to live in!