It's been since March of 2008 since I've last updated my blog and the eventful year and a half I've had is almost too much to write about.
I purchased and began to train and ride a horse named Pete and then lost him almost a year to date to a freak accident out in the pasture of the Ranch where he was being boarded.
I purchased another horse named Harriett and she's been a live saver, truly. With the devastating loss of Pete, Harriett has stepped up to the plate and become my new partner in crime. And we are even doing that bareback. :D
I've lost my senior Pit girl Kacie to a ruptured spleen this past June and that has left an enormously large hole in my heart as well.
Back in Feburary of 2008, I signed on full time with the company I was a temp for and then in March of 2009, I found my self laid off due to cut backs because there just weren't enough government contracts to bid for.
I began working with my local United Daughters of the Confederacy Chapter, the Black Horse. I still have to recover 3 birth or death certificates and will have to venture down to the North Carolina Archives in order to do that.
I attended the 15th Annual Ladies & Gentlemen of the 1860's Conference in March of this year, it was put on by Carolann Schmitt of the Genteel Arts Academy. It was the most amazing fun I've had in a long time and the 3 days of Original 1860's clothing that was on display was AMAZING! Sad to say though, I failed to bring a camera with me. :(
Again, everything I've done the last year and a half would just be too much to mention. So, with some of the most important parts put down in script, I'm taking my leave.