What a weekend this 4th has turned out to be. Unable to travel to North Carolina to be with my family, we spent today/night with my husband's family helping them clean out their basement from all the rain/flood waters. What a nasty mess that was. We finished our day with steak on the grill, along with baked potatoes and fresh sweet corn.
Tomorrow is my sister's birthday, so I'll be phoning her and hopfully planning a trip up this weekend before my sister and nephew return to Alaska. My nephew is the light of my life! So smart at this age, so into life and enjoying the simple things we take for granted.
My husband and I will be dressed in our WWII gard and it will be nice to have my family enjoying the Living History event at Sully Plantation. It's a beautiful park, and close to the house, so they won't be in the car all day. Oh, by the way, we portray Germans, yes, you heard me. My husband is a German Soldier. Well, actually, his character is based off a man who was of Austrain birth, loyal to the Austrain Government, yet forced into the German Army or his family would parish. His group portrays Austrian Mountain troops.
This week will be spent on making sure the house is squared away for their visit. I know they won't stay here with us, our guest room is incomplete. I haven't found an antique bedroom set yet that I like or fits the era of my home. I'm also on the look out for an antique iron or wood daybed for our other guest room. Which is currently serving as my husband's 'war' room. It hosts all his signed prints of which my mother framed for him. It plays host to all his re-enacting gear and our gun case with numerous vintage WWII rifles and pistols, all in working order.
The stream out in front of the house this week was beautiful sounding. Rushing with all that rain fall we had. To sit out on my front porch that is 25 x 4 and listen to the stream is a beautiful and peaceful sound. The lighening bugs a night around here are amazing! I can't wait to get my new wicker porch set restored and new seat cushions done. I've had an idea as well, take lattice and frame it out like a picture frame, and using 2 'o' rings and 2 'j' hooks, hang it from the end of the porch that over looks my neighbors house. As a screen sorta.
Evenually, I'll get my porch swing for the front porch, and we'll screen in the back porch and add a hottub. We will have our backyard fenced in, which is over an acre big, I think the dogs will enjoy that! Not having to be leashed walked anymore. We have the remains of the original 'Mill' house as part of our yard. I plan to clean that out and make it a party place. It's cool, and was made originally of stones from the local quarry. There is such history here, I am in love with this peaceful place.
Our black bear family have been spotted recently. The daddy bear pulled my rubbermaid trash can from the back porch and mauled it to get it open, that was a tad bit scarey.. lol The deer are running, and they enjoy my backyard for grazing. I'd love to do a veggie garden, but I'd be afriad to feed the wildlife. lolol :D
Well, I've rambled enough for one evening. I need me some lovin', so I think we'll walk the dogs and go to bed early tonight. Sleep well all... :D
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