Camden turned 1 and we celebrated with friends and family out at the Northern Fauquier Community Park in Marshall off Rt 55. Such a beautiful place and for July, it wasn't that hot.
We've suffered yet another loss with the passing of Angel, our foster failure pup who had cancer through out her little brittle body. She enjoyed almost 4 years with us and welcomed our son and took up residence by his crib to keep him safe.
That is also where she passed. Our vet came out to the house and she was surrounded by those who loved her dearly and she seemed to welcome it. She was so very tired and drained that she didn't even bark at the vets as they entered the house or her boy's room. I cried for days.
Life has gotten in the way again, cause here it is nearly the end of the year and I started this update in March. :( Well, we've had fun this year, added a new four legged family member and visited our first Carnival and Amusement park.

Camden is now 2 years and 4mos and it will be a year after Thanksgiving that he started walking. Yes, he's been walking for a year and my life changed dramatically that day. I love love love this stage of his little life. He's sooo much fun to be around. Exploring, running, trying to jump, and meeting sooo many new friends.
We celebrated Camden's 2nd birthday here at home; nothing big, nothing fancy, nothing overboard and stressful. Oma and Opa came up for the weekend and Grandma and Grandpa Kenny came out too. He got everything he could have aske for if he were talking. LOL I can't believe it though, he's TWO and it's not slowing down, any at all! :(
We had a playdate on his birthday and a BIG Thanks goes out to Miss Kristin for the cupcakes and Miss Shannon for the wonderful photographs she took. My little man is growing up sooo very fast, I don't think my heart is going to be able to handle it.
This summer we hit the local public with Pool. Yeap, I wore a swimsuit, first one in nearly 8 years I've purchased for myself. It wasn't pretty, but it wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be.
Camden had a blast, he's a little water baby and loved being in the pool. We also went to Oma and Opa's pool and played with cousin Mason, Aunt Em and Uncle Kevin. Camden also had a his very own pool on the backporch, but sometimes he ended up sharing with his bestie, Hoss. Hoss really loves spending time and laying around with Camden, this was just one more cool spot to hang out with him in.
Needless to say, we've done a LOT this year, not all of it what we wanted, and we even missed out on some things we had planned on doing. Like hitting the Beach before the end of the season. :( We had planned a weekend for Virginia Beach and well, it was rained out so we spent the weekend with Oma and Opa which was just as nice for Camden. He loves his Omie and Opa very much.
We haven't done a lot of Reenacting this year either, or I haven't I should say. I really need to get working on finish sewing and getting Camden ready for next years season. Not sure how much WWII he'll be doing, but we are planning to participate a great deal in the American Civil War. :D
I'll do my best and try to catch up tomorrow and at least stay current from here on out. It's November, we are less than a week away from Thanksgiving and Halloween was a bit of a bust here for us this year. But next year it will be full of Pumpkins, ghouls and goblins, witches and warlocks, and specktors. Promise!
Thanksgiving is with my family and there'll be Family Portraits done with everyone there. Yeaaaaa! Christmas will be here at home and if I could ask, please keep our Brother John in your prayers. He's fighting the good fight, but we all know Cancer can be a very very nasty mistress. :(
I'll end this update with a picture that was taken by a photographer for the Northern Virginia Daily. Yeap, that is right; Hoss, Camden and I made a local paper while out for a walk during the first few warm days of Spring this year. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
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