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Monday, July 03, 2006

I won't be apologizing to anyone! EVER!!!!

As for demanding these grown woman 'control' someone they've never met, how much more ridiculous can you be? And I won't be controlled by anyone! You have a problem with me, come at me and leave them out of it!

What did you hope to gain by posting someone else's photo? Really now, how childish can you be? And making threats. Really now? Your husband won't be the only one in the family to spend time behind bars you keep this up.

As for caring about what these grown woman feel about me, their opinion of me, I don't care. So, you continuing to make demands on them, you'll only end up alone as your puppet master has found out. Alone and craving that attention by taunting and posting vile comments and threats to someone elses blog.

Oh, your blog, btw; lame!! You created it only just today? Give it a rest, you are no author, you have nothing anyone really wants to read and as much as I'd love to make a post there, you and your puppet master aren't worth my time.. So.. enjoy your sad, sorry excuses for lives.. the both of you..


Anonymous said...

Uuuuuuuummmm Staffie? I guess you must be hittin' too close to home with this here blog of your'n, cuz' Knuckles sez we have to make you stop and we're askeered'a Knuckles. She told us to "control ur infection". She was either talking about our unfortunate and persistent case'a herpes or you, and since we didn't tell her about our little "problem" we hafta assume she was referring to you. Sooooo I guess we're s'posta control you now. So ummmmm don't eat with your mouth open!!! and uuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh Dammit are those your socks on the floor??? Pick them up! And hmmmmmmm Oh Yeah, sit down and shaddup woman!

How'z that Knuckles? That better? Or is there anything else you'd like us to do??????? We're at your beck and call Knuckles LMAO
NOT!!! Is she really "lhao" after every friggin sentence? Boy howdy she must be stoned!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Staffie,

Why don't you start a petition where Craig List Users that have been harmed or attacked or slandered by Woody, can sign their CL Handle and then the petition can be submitted to Craig. I would think that Craig would have to listen if 100's of his users were asking for Woody to be removed from CL.

Its worth a shot. Woody can't be worth him losing his members, can she>

Anonymous said...

KH smokes meth and sleeps with Chusaka while Woody licks KH's asshole.

Anonymous said...

Well as long as no one is messing with Staffies hole tis all ok. STAFFIE I LOVE YOU GIRL.

Anonymous said...

Woody is a lonely old hag. How sad and pitiful she is on C.L all day and half way into the night. How does she get anything done like that? She looks like a unclean woman. I doubt she has seen a bar of soap in a long time. How can someone be so wicked because they wasted thier life away. She alone is the cause of her misery but yet she is trying to drag everyone down around her. Did you all see her emails to staff? She has to include that she is going go walk her service dog in them to gain sympathy and attention. She is a pathetic shrew and a dirty troll. She cant get a man, never could so now she bitter with a dry pussy. I haven't seen someone that ugly in a long time. Looking at her picture made me want to vomit. She wasn't hit with a ugly stick. The whole damn tree fell on her. She looks like dried up old man. No wonder she is jealous of you and Dora. The only reason why she is still trolling C.L is because the rest of us have lives, have sex, leave the house and cross the street. We don't have time to sit parked in a free website looking to email abuse with 911 in the headers. C.L is all she has in her lousy life I almost feel sorry for her. All those hours of emailing back and forth and your blog is still standing strong. I guess they came to the same conclusion that we did, THAT BITCH IS CRAZY.